Alva Labs Tests Online Preparation – 2025

What Is Alva Labs?
Alva Labs is a candidate assessment platform that gives HR teams the information they need to make quick and smart hiring decisions. The platform itself is designed for candidates and offers several resources, such as:
- Logic test
- Personality test
- Coding tests
- Interview templates
The interactive exams are user-friendly and engaging, making them less stressful and more accessible. The Alva Lab tests can be completed anywhere, anytime, on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. The assessment only takes about 20-30 minutes to complete, and at any point, the candidate can pause the exam and return to it later. Using Alva Labs as a hiring tool also allows companies to remove bias in their recruitment process, evaluating candidates on merit alone and not the CV or demographic information.
Alva Labs Score Report
Your score report will be available immediately after completing the exam. One of the most unique aspects of the Alva Labs test is that the candidate, not the employer, owns the score report. After an applicant completes the assessment, they can share the results with as many companies as they want, meaning the applicants are in control of their data and only need to take the test once, even if they apply for multiple companies.
Alva Labs Logic Test
Logic tests are one of the best predictors of career success and are common in pre-employment processes. Alva’s logic test is a 15-minute DVC-certified exam that assesses the candidate’s logical reasoning and critical thinking skills and is similar to other abstract reasoning exams you may have taken in the past.
The exam will present 20 tasks or questions, each with a 3×3 grid with eight shapes or images following an underlying pattern. The test-taker will identify that pattern and select the missing ninth shape for the grid from the given options.
Your results will include a percentile that shows how you compare to others in the working population, letting the employer know if you have average logical reasoning ability or are above or below average.
Alva Labs Personality Test
The Alva Labs Personality Test will present several statements, and you must respond with how much you resonate with each on a scale from one to five. The personality test is based on the five-factor personality theory and thus measures five characteristics:
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Emotional stability
- Openness to experience
Your report will also include possible strengths, challenges, and growth factors to give the employer a complete picture of your personality and working style.
How to Prepare for the Alva Labs Tests?
The Alva Labs assessment is similar to other abstract reasoning and personality tests you have taken. The best way to become familiar with these is to take online practice tests. These will allow you to rehearse your timing and better understand the questions on the exam.
For the logic reasoning test, you will want to use practice tests to gain experience identifying the underlying patterns. This practice will give you an idea of what to look for on the actual test and boost your confidence since you will be familiar with the format.
Candidates who include online practice tests in their preparation do better during the hiring process than applicants who do not. Therefore, it is essential to give yourself adequate time to study and prepare so you have the best chance of graduating to the next stage in the recruitment process.