Apprenticeship Aptitude Test Online Preparation – 2025

What Are Apprenticeship Aptitude Tests?
Apprenticeship aptitude tests are given to candidates to assess knowledge, skills, and intelligence in different areas. Several industries provide this pre-employment test to their apprentices, including:
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Communication Technology
- Retail
- Commercial Enterprise
- Business Administration
- Law
There are also several providers of apprentice aptitude tests, including Saville Consulting, CEB’s SHL, and cut-e.
While the exact tests you take will vary by company and position, job seekers looking for an apprenticeship role should be prepared to take the following aptitude tests to show their future employer that they are suitable for the position and the best candidate for the role.
Personality Test
Personality tests allow the employer to better understand your personality traits, motivations, and values. Companies often look for new employees who embody the company’s values and will fit in with the team’s current culture. Using this personality test, the hiring team can compare results from multiple candidates and decide who will be the best fit.
The test will present several statements, and you must determine how much you agree or disagree with the sentiment. Some statements will be reworded slightly differently later in the test, so staying consistent throughout the exam is essential.
While being honest in your answers is essential, you must also keep in mind the values and goals of the company to which you are applying. Remember what type of person they are looking for, and be sure to embody those values while taking the personality test.
Situational Judgement Test
The SJT Test is a common exam that shows employers how you will likely behave in the workplace. The exam provides a simulated workplace situation similar to one you may encounter in the role and will give several options for how you may respond to the scenario.
It will be your job to determine the most effective way to respond. Note that you may also have to rank the responses from most to least effective. There may be multiple answers that would be reasonable responses, but remember that you are looking for the best possible choice.
During this exam, the employer is looking for candidates who act in the way their current employees behave. For example, if you are applying for a customer-facing position, you’ll want to respond to any customer-based scenarios in a friendly and helpful way. All responses should get you closer to the goal of the company while also embodying the company’s values.
Numerical Reasoning Test
In addition to the behavior-based exams, candidates should also expect to take various cognitive tests. One common exam is the numerical reasoning test.
While strong mathematical skills may only be needed for some positions, all applicants should expect to take a numerical reasoning test to prove they can perform basic mathematical calculations. For example, all jobs will require simple analysis or data interpretation.
You should be prepared to work through word problems and solve basic equations that include operations such as:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Ratios
- Percentages
You should also prepare to read and interpret data in tables, graphs, or charts.
The numerical reasoning test is typically timed, so you’ll need to work through the problems quickly and efficiently. The questions are also multiple-choice, so you may be able to eliminate answers as you go, helping you get through the test more quickly.
Learn more and practice free numerical reasoning sample questions.
Verbal Reasoning Test
Another cognitive exam that you should prepare to take is the verbal reasoning test. No matter your role or company, it is essential that you understand written communication and be able to apply the given information. For example, a candidate in a mechanical field may have specific policies and procedures they may need to follow for certain tasks. Even those in a more corporate position will have to read and understand emails and other forms of written communication.
The verbal reasoning test will provide several text passages you must read and answer questions about. The subject of the text will likely be related to the role you seek, so you can expect the topics to be familiar. However, you should refrain from using outside knowledge on the test.
The multiple-choice questions will ask about the details that you read or have you interpret the information. For example, you may need to decide if a given statement is an appropriate solution based on the text.
Try to solve our free verbal reasoning practice test.
Diagrammatic Reasoning Test
Another standard test is the diagrammatic reasoning test. This will assess your ability to think logically and apply information to problem-solving. The diagrammatic reasoning test is unique because the exam is non-verbal. The questions and answer choices will consist of only figures and images.
You will be given a group or series of figures representing an underlying rule or pattern. You will need to not only identify what that rule or pattern is but then apply that knowledge to determine the missing figure or the figure that doesn’t follow the rule.
For example, you may need to identify the following figure in the sequence or determine which figure in the group doesn’t follow the underlying rule.
Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are necessary for every career, so doing well on this test is essential for all candidates, regardless of the position you are applying for.
Other Aptitude Tests
Depending on your role, there are a few other aptitude tests that you may encounter. The following are specific to certain positions, but if any of them sound similar to a task you may be required to complete on the job, you should prepare to take that test during the recruitment process.
Mechanical Comprehension Test
The mechanical comprehension test will assess your understanding of basic mechanical and physical principles and the application of those concepts. This test is usually given to those in a trade career, such as mechanics and technicians.
The questions on this test may be verbal or diagrammatic in nature. You should be prepared to answer questions about simple machines such as pulleys, levers, and gears. For example, you may be given an image with several gears and a rope, and you’ll need to determine which way each gear turns if the cord is pulled in a particular direction.
Error Checking Test
Another test you may encounter is the error-checking assessment. This is given to those applying for positions that require great attention to detail. The test will need you to check over the material, make comparisons, and find mistakes.
For example, you may receive two nearly identical tables but have a few numbers changed, and you’ll need to identify the differences between the two.
Spatial Reasoning Test
Some positions will also require a spatial reasoning test. These exams will require you to visualize an object from different vantage points than what you are presented with. For example, you may see a stack of blocks from the front and need to identify what the block stack would look like if you were looking down at it from above.
This type of aptitude test is popular for positions that require building and planning, such as construction work.
How to Prepare for the Apprenticeship Aptitude Test?
It is essential to do well on the apprenticeship aptitude tests because employers use the results from this test to compare candidates to see who is most suitable for the position. They may also use your results once hired to tailor your training or place you at different levels within your position.
The best way to ensure that you will do well in the exams is to prepare for the tests ahead of the recruitment process.
Online resources such as practice tests and study guides are great because they will give you a better idea of the material presented on the different aptitude exams and tips on how to approach each question type. Taking a sample test is also a great way to rehearse your timing, and since most of these exams will be timed, you’ll want to go in with the confidence that you will complete the exam on time and do well.
For more detailed tests, such as the mechanical comprehension exam, study guides are also a great way to review concepts you may need a refresher on before the exam.
Candidates who take the time to prepare for the exams using these resources are significantly more likely to receive a high score on the exam. Therefore, giving yourself adequate time to study and prepare is essential.