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British American Tobacco (BAT) Hiring Process, Cognitive Tests & Online Assessment Preparation – 2025

Job Assessment Tests

British American Tobacco is the world’s largest tobacco company and being number one simply means that anyone interested in a job there should expect some stiff competition. Job seekers must do their best to prepare for the process, and we’re here to help with that. Below is everything you need to know about applying for an opportunity to work with British American Tobacco.


What Is British American Tobacco?

British American Tobacco, otherwise known as BAT, is the world’s largest publicly traded tobacco company. Founded in 1902 by James Buchanan Duke, BAT is headquartered in London with offices in approximately 180 countries globally with approximately 55,000 employees.  These countries include:

  • United States
  • Colombia
  • Brazil
  • China
  • South Africa
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Russia

Some of the brands produced by BAT include:

  • Dunhill
  • Pall Mall
  • Lucky Strike
  • Kent
  • Rothmans
  • Benson & Hedges

Benefits employees of BAT can expect to enjoy are:

  • Maternity/Parental Leave
  • Health Insurance
  • Paid Vacation
  • Stock Options
  • Pension Plan
  • Performance Bonus
  • Job Training & Tuition Assistance


What Is British American Tobacco’s Hiring Process?

BAT is a large multinational company with a massive global presence. As a result, job seekers will find that acquiring a job with BAT can be insanely competitive.


The Application

After identifying a job, candidates should upload their CV and complete the online application which can be found in the careers section of BAT’s website. This is the first chance for candidates to make an impression and share the motivating factors which lead them to apply for a job at BAT.


Culture Questionnaire

This is a short online assessment which aims to determine if the candidate has the values/traits which fall directly in line with the company’s goals. The candidates are given a series of questions in which they are presented with three values/traits. Candidates are to select the one they deem least important and the one they deem most important.


Cognitive Assessment

This is a means of testing the candidate’s competence utilizing aptitude tests. Most commonly candidates sit for:

  • Verbal Reasoning Test – Candidates are presented with a passage followed by a statement. The candidate is expected to select whether the statement is true, false or if they need more information to determine the statement’s accuracy. Practice a free verbal reasoning test.
  • Numerical Reasoning Test – This is a test of the candidate’s mathematical ability. The assessment includes testing of the candidate’s ability to read charts, calculate profit and loss, and calculate simple percentages. Practice a free numerical reasoning test.
  • Logical Reasoning Test – This is an assessment of the candidate’s ability to work through logical tasks. Learn about logical reasoning tests.


BAT Pymetrics Games

To help remove testing bias, British American Tobacco has gamified its cognitive aptitude tests. These games help show if a candidate poses the right combination of social, cognitive, and behavioral traits.

The Pymetrics assessment consists of 12 games, each one lasting 2-3 minutes. The entire assessment will only take about 30 minutes to complete. Each game consists of a task like memorizing faces, determining the direction different arrows are flashing, and noticing differences in separate images.


Telephone Interview

This is the candidate’s first opportunity to speak to a member of BAT’s staff during the recruitment process. This phase is heavily dependent on the position and its locale. It may be an introductory conversation about the role, or in some cases, it may be a little more in-depth with the recruiter testing the candidate’s competence over the phone.


Leadership Preference Questionnaire

This is a test to assess the candidate’s ability to lead, their leadership style, and most importantly how they interact with/treat others in the workplace. The candidate is presented with various scenarios and is expected to express how they would handle the situation to achieve the best outcome.


Face to Face Interview

The interview is heavily dependent on the position which the candidate applied for. The job, as well as its location, will determine both the length and format of the interview. The interview gives candidates a chance at making a strong impression, showing off their knowledge and skills.  This also provides the candidate with a chance to ask any pertinent questions they may have. Never shy away from asking questions during this phase of the selection process.


Assessment Center

This is the final phase of the selection process before a formal offer is made.  Candidates successful in the previous steps of the selection process are invited to the assessment center/assessment day. This is a day during which candidates undergo a series of individual and group assessments. In some cases, the head of a department may interview the prospective candidate, again giving the candidate another opportunity to ask questions as well as impress their potential boss.


Job Offer

Once successful, candidates will receive a formal offer. Candidates are expected to review the offer carefully and then make a decision as soon as reasonably possible. This decision may be to accept, reject or negotiate terms of the contract.


What Qualities Are BAT Recruiters Looking Out For?

As one of the world’s top companies, the application process is very competitive, and BAT has high expectations of their employees. The qualities sought out by BAT recruiters are:

  • Innovative
  • Ambitious
  • Team Oriented
  • Open Minded
  • Enterprising Spirit


How to Prepare for the British American Tobacco Recruitment Process?

BAT themselves have prepared a series of tips they think are pertinent as candidates prepare to apply for a position with BAT. Below are the recommendations made by BAT:

  • Up to date CV – BAT recommends that candidates ensure their CV is updated just before submitting it. As time progresses people change, and their experiences shape them. It is important that this is reflected in the CV because it is the first opportunity employers have to see what candidates are made of.
  • Permissions & Paperwork – Candidates must be able to prove in the application process that they have permission to work in the country that they’re applying to. Whether it’s proof of citizenship or work permits, have these prepared so as not to delay the application process.
  • Know the Company – BAT implores that candidates do their research. During the interview questions will be asked for which the responses require that candidates did their due diligence.
  • Choose Your Environment – When thinking about tackling the job application choose an environment which is conducive to work. Candidates need to choose an area in which they can give the application their undivided attention.
  • Bring It! – Candidates should bring their A-game when submitting their application and allow the application to reflect their personality and show recruiters what makes them the right person for the job.



With the job market being as competitive as it is, preparation is key to ensuring you have the best chance at landing a job with BAT. Utilize all the help you can get and be sure to lay it all out and leave nothing to chance.

All the best with your application!