Casper Situational Judgement Test Online Preparation – 2025

What Is the Casper Situational Judgement Test?
The Casper Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is an entrance exam provided by Acuity Insights, a test provider that supplies several assessments for people entering higher education programs. Using entrance exams such as the Casper SJT and their other exam Duet is a great way for institutions to receive information about applicants beyond their transcripts and grade point average. These tests are often used to assess potential success in people-centric career paths, such as medical schools.
Casper SJT Format
The Casper Situational Judgement Test is unlike other SJTs. Usually, an SJT will provide a simulated workplace scenario with an issue you must respond to. The test will give several response options, and you must choose the best and worst responses or select the answer closest to how you would typically react in that situation.
The Casper SJT is an open-ended exam allowing written and video responses. Like other SJTs, it will test your social intelligence and professionalism, but this open-ended format enables the institution to gain more insight about the candidate than if they were choosing a pre-written response. The video response format also helps break down certain demographic barriers, giving test takers an additional way to communicate and express their thoughts.
This exam consists of two sections. The first will be the video response section, and the second will be the written response. During the video response section, you will receive two word-based scenarios you must read through and four video-based scenarios you must watch before responding. The written section will include three word-based scenarios and five video-based scenarios.
Each of the 14 scenarios will have multiple questions to which you must respond. Each scenario in the video response section will have two questions, and you will have one minute to record a response to each. The scenarios in the written response section will each have three questions, and you will have five minutes to answer all three.
Test takers should expect the complete exam to take 90 to 110 minutes, including an optional 10-minute break between the two sections and an optional five-minute break halfway through the written response section.
Traits Assessed
The Casper Situational Judgement Test assesses several personality traits to give your institution a complete picture of your potential. Here are the qualities Casper is assessing:
- Collaboration
- Empathy
- Ethics
- Problem Solving
- Resilience
- Self-Awareness
- Professionalism
- Motivation
- Equity
- Communication
These higher education institutions want to ensure that they accept candidates that are likely to successfully complete their programs, and possessing each trait is an excellent indicator of success. Educational institutions also want to ensure diversity in their programs, and the Casper Situational Judgement Test helps ensure they select a diverse group of students.
Casper SJT Scoring
How the Casper Situational Judgement Test is scored is unique compared to other SJTs. Most SJTs are scored automatically. The decision on which of the provided answers is the most correct has already been made before the test taker takes the exam. Therefore, their score can be delivered instantly based on how many “correct” answers they selected.
However, because the Casper SJT has open-ended responses, the scoring of this exam is a bit more complicated. The Acuity Insights team uses human raters for every question asked on the Casper Situational Judgement Test. Each rater undergoes extensive training to eliminate any implicit bias and understand the importance and significance of their work.
Each rater is given a different scenario within a single test, so one rater will not be scoring the entire exam for a single participant. The group of raters is also ethnically and intellectually diverse to reflect the diversity of the candidate pool. Additionally, several quality assurance measures are put in place by Acuity to ensure that each test is scored fairly and without bias.
Because of the extensive rating process, it takes two to three weeks for a score to be ready. Once the test has been scored, that information is automatically sent to the program identified by the test taker during their registration process. The candidate will be notified by their specific program, and their application status will be updated accordingly.
The programs that receive your score will use it to make decisions throughout the application process. They may use Casper scores to eliminate applications early in the process, during the middle stages to decide who to interview, or during the final steps to determine who will be accepted into the program. Because of the importance of your scores, it is imperative to do as well as possible on the exam.
It is important to note that your Casper Situational Judgement Test scores are only valid for one application cycle and only for the program type that you selected. Therefore, if you are applying for the program during another cycle or have changed programs, you must retake the Casper SJT.
Tips for the Casper Situational Judgement Testing Day
Here are a few tips to keep in mind for your testing day:
- Get familiar with the test format. You have likely not taken a test like the Casper SJT before, so you’ll want to get acquainted with the exam format before the test. Acuity Insights has a test prep section on its website that allows you to experience the test format during preparation.
- Wear something that you feel comfortable in. There is no dress code for the Casper SJT, so while you do not want to wear anything that could be distracting to the raters, you will want to wear something that you feel comfortable and confident in to help you feel good during the exam.
- Focus on the content of your responses over being grammatically correct. Raters are trained to examine the content of your answers and will ignore minor grammar and spelling mistakes. Use your time to focus on what you are saying and to get your message across clearly.
- Do not go too far during the break. You will receive an optional 10- and 5-minute break during the exam, and the test will automatically resume once that time is up. Therefore, you do not want to go too far from the computer during the break.
How to Prepare for the Casper SJT?
During the Casper Situational Judgement Test, you will answer questions in real-time. You will not have the option to modify your answers after submitting them or re-record your responses to the video questions. Therefore, you must enter the Casper SJT fully prepared to be confident in yourself and your responses.
You can take advantage of online resources to help you prepare for the exam. Practice tests are great because they will allow you to see what types of questions will be asked on the exam, and they will give you tips on how best to respond. You can also practice writing responses or recording yourself as if you were answering a video question to get used to that format.
Applicants who take the time to prepare for the Casper Situational Judgement Test do significantly better than test takers who go into the exam completely unprepared. Because your program will be comparing the scores of you and your peers during your application process, you want to be sure that your scores and application package stand out from your competition. Therefore, you should use every resource available and give yourself enough time to adequately prepare for the exam.