Customer Service Situational Judgement Test (SJT) Online Preparation, Sample Questions & Tips – 2025

Customer service positions make up a great deal of the jobs that are available. It takes special skill to be able to satisfy customers, while also meeting the goals of the company. Customer service representatives need to be well versed in the products they represent, have strong communication skills, and be able to solve problems quickly and effectively. To ensure that only the job-seekers with the strongest skills make it through, many companies have started using Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) as part of their hiring process.
What Is A Customer Service Situational Judgement Test?
The Customer Service Situational Judgement Tests are designed to help identify the candidates who have strong customer service skills. The test questions are all based on situations a customer service representative may encounter while on the job. They cover everything from dealing with an annoyed customer to how to handle conflict with other employees. The Customer Service SJT’s are designed to measure:
- Communication skills
- Negotiation skills
- Drive to meet customer needs
- Adaptability
- Problem-solving ability
- Flexibility
- Teamwork
What to Expect on A Customer Service SJT?
The Customer service SJT is offered by several test providers and they are tailored to suit the specific needs of the company that is utilizing them. Since customer service representatives exist in many fields from retail sales to technology providers, the situations they may encounter will vary. Job-seekers can anticipate a test that is tailored for their specific type of customer base.
These tests are usually given online as part of the initial screening process. They are not usually timed, so individuals will have time to carefully consider their answers. The test is a multiple-choice format. You will be presented with a scenario and a set of choices, and you must pick the answers that are most like the way you would respond and the least like the way you would respond. The answers are phrased in a way that makes all of them seem reasonable instead of having an obvious wrong choice. There are no right or wrong answers, but some answers are more desirable than others.
How to Study for A Customer Service SJT?
The customer service field requires a great deal of emotional intelligence, so keep this in mind when you sit down to take the test. When reading the questions consider the viewpoint from all angles to help form your conclusion. Many of the questions will also involve problem-solving that you would likely face on the job. Again, consider all angles.
To show you what we mean, we have included some sample questions below.
Example 1:
Your new coworker answers the telephone, and there is a displeased customer on the line. As they speak, they are getting more emotional, and are raising their voice. Your co-worker is starting to get flustered and does not know what to do. How do you respond?
- Take the phone from your co-worker and tell the customer that you understand they are upset, but they need to calm down or you cannot effectively help them.
- Have your co-worker put them on hold and get a manager.
- Have your co-worker say they are getting someone who can assist them, then take over the call and apologize to the customer for their inconvenience and explain that you want to help them get to the bottom of the issue.
Example 2:
At your job in a retail store, the opening customer service associates feel that the closing associates are not doing their jobs properly and are leaving notes for the closing associates with their complaints. The closing associates feel they have an overwhelming amount of work and feel that the opening associates are not doing their share of work and are getting angry and losing the drive to do their jobs. As a department manager, what would the correct course of action be?
- Have an employee meeting and explain that you will be keeping track of the work that does not get done and writing up anyone that was on the schedule for that day.
- Have an employee meeting and have associates from both shifts explain the issue. Have a sign off sheet for each shift detailing the duties they are expected to have done by the end of their shift.
- Assign yourself to a day on each shift and observe what is happening so you can decide what to do.
Explanation for Example 1:
- is most likely. It takes Your co-worker out of the situation and shows the customer you want to help them and take their problem seriously.
- is least likely. It will only make the customer angrier and will most likely result in a complaint.
- is not a bad choice but sitting on hold will not help calm the customer down.
Explanation for Example 2:
- Is most likely. You will get to hear from both shifts what they perceive to be the problem, and you are setting up a way to hold them accountable.
- Is the least likely. Problems are not directly being addressed, and punitive measures will affect employee morale.
- This option seems good in theory, but with management present employees will be on their best behavior.
There is nothing to fear in sitting for a Customer Service Situational Judgment Test. As long as you remember to use empathy in situations involving other people while thinking creatively, there’s no reason you shouldn’t attain an impressive score on this test. With determination and drive, that score will translate to a successful career in customer service.