Dentons Psychometric Tests, Assessment Center, Hiring Process & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

What Is Dentons?
Dentons is a global law firm with more than 20,000 employees. They aim to help companies worldwide grow, protect, operate, and finance their organizations. They are a truly global company with offices in 80 countries and no actual headquarters.
What Is Dentons’ Hiring Process?
The Dentons hiring process begins with the online application. This portion consists of uploading a resume or CV and answering a few basic pre-employment questions. After applying for the position, you will take a few online psychometric tests. The hiring process ends with an assessment center.
Dentons’ Psychometric Tests
During the Dentons’ hiring process, candidates will likely take a Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Assessment. This test consists of five sections that assess your ability to recognize assumptions, evaluate arguments, and draw conclusions. The sections of this test are:
- Inference: You will receive a set of facts, and a statement that you must decide is true or false.
- Recognizing Assumptions: You will receive a set of facts, and an assumption that you must decide is true or false.
- Deduction: The test will present a set of facts and a concluding statement, and you must determine if the idea follows the facts.
- Interpretation: The examination will give a paragraph and a concluding statement, and you must decide if the statement logically follows the paragraph.
- Evaluation of Arguments: You will be presented with a question and an argument and will need to determine how strong the argument is.
Dentons Assessment Center
The other portion of the Dentons exam will occur during the assessment center. This event will bring together several candidates for group and individual exercises. One exercise you will likely complete is the case study exercise. The assessor will present you with written information that you will need to analyze to draw conclusions and present your findings.
How to Prepare for Dentons’ Assessment?
Dentons strives to hire the best possible candidates for their open positions. In order to be hired, you will need to stand out from the rest of the candidates. The best way to do this is performing well on the assessments.
There are free Waterson Glaser Critical Thinking Assessment sample questions available on our website. Practice these questions ahead of time will let you know what to expect on the actual test and will increase your chances of doing well on the exam.