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FDNY Firefighter Exam Online Preparation, Free Practice Questions & Helpful Tips – 2025

Firefighter Job Test Practice

What Is the FDNY Firefighter Exam?

The Fire Department of New York City (FDNY) Exam is the first step in the application process for becoming a New York City Firefighter. The exam is only administered once every five years, so if you are interested in pursuing this career, you will want to be sure that you are ready for exam time.

This test does not require any prior firefighting knowledge and instead focuses on the abilities and personal characteristics of those applying. They want to know that you are capable of learning on the job and that you possess the skills necessary to become a firefighter, so even those without prior firefighter experience can apply.

The multiple-choice test, developed by PSI, consists of 138 questions divided among three test sections and should be completed within four hours.

Before the test begins, you will receive a Training Guide Booklet outlining the different test requirements, providing material to be used during the test, and giving you space to jot down notes. Please take advantage of this resource and take the time to read through it thoroughly.


Video Learning

The first section of the FDNY Firefighter Test is the Video Learning section. This portion of the exam consists of three parts that will test your ability to retain information, memory recall, and listening comprehension skills. You will answer 26 questions across these three parts, and you can receive a maximum score of 35 for this section.

The three parts of this test are:

  • Video Lesson: In the video lesson, an instructor will explain how to use a specific piece of equipment or perform a particular procedure. The test will allow you to replay the video to ensure you catch all the details. Afterward, you will answer questions on the material covered in the lesson.
  • Three Video Clips: You will also need to watch three short video clips that feature a conversation between two people, usually a student and an instructor. This section will be a follow-up to the video lesson and will likely discuss additional details about the piece of equipment or procedure that you just learned. These clips will also be replayed before you answer questions on the video content.
  • Narrated Slide Show: The last part of this section is the narrated slideshow. Here, you will listen to an instructor talk through an equipment or procedure safety presentation. You will then have to answer several questions on the material presented.


Tips for the Video Learning Section

Here are a few tips to help you succeed in the video learning section:

  • Do not rely on previous knowledge: Remember that this test can be taken by someone who does not have any prior firefighter experience. The equipment described in this section was created for this test and may not be an actual piece of equipment that firefighters use.
  • Pay attention to details not mentioned in the guide: While the guide is a valuable resource, you may be asked questions not mentioned in the guide. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to all details presented.
  • Take notes: One of the most critical tips in this section is to take notes. The guide has blank spaces for you to write down information while watching the videos. While you are not allowed to refer to the video when answering questions, you can refer to your notes. So, write down as much information as you can.
  • Use shorthand notes: The notes are for your personal use, so these can be as incomplete as you want as long as you can read them. Write down keywords that will trigger your memory to answer the questions or critical details you think may be important.


Video Learning Sample Question

Please watch the following video before answering the questions that follow. You may take notes during the video, but you may not look back at the video to answer the questions.


Question 1:

What does CPR stand for?

  1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  2. Cardiopulmonary Rescue
  3. Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation
  4. Cardiorespiratory Rescue



Question 2:

What action should you take if the child has a pulse and is breathing?

  1. Perform rescue breathing
  2. Put them in the recovery position
  3. Perform CPR
  4. None of the above



  1. A
  2. B


Reading Comprehension

The next section of the exam is reading comprehension. This portion consists of 31 multiple-choice questions and has a maximum score of 15. Here, you will be presented with a passage that is about one page long and will need to answer questions about the text.

This section will assess not only your reading skills but also your written comprehension and ability to reason, and basic mathematics skills.


Tips for the Reading Comprehension Section

Here are a few tips to help you succeed in the reading comprehension section of the exam:

  • Be aware of the time: It is easy to lose track of time during reading tests. Since this is a timed exam, you will want to ensure that you are pacing yourself well to give yourself adequate time to read the material and answer all associated questions.
  • Take notes: Just like the video section, you are allowed to take notes during the reading comprehension portion of the exam. Feel free to circle, underline, or make notes of important information.
  • Move on from difficult words: If you come across a word that you do not know, keep reading. The meaning of the word may become clear to you as you move through the passage. Do not waste time being stuck on a single word that may not even be included in the questions later.
  • Do not add outside facts or knowledge: The exam questions will be based on the material provided. Do not use any prior knowledge or known facts to answer the question, as it may confuse you and lead you to select the incorrect answer.


Background and Personality Test

The last section of the FDNY Firefighter Exam is the background and personality test section. This portion of the exam consists of 81 questions and is worth up to 50 points. While the other sections focus on skills and ability, this section will focus primarily on your character and personality traits.

They want to know that you are the type of person who can handle the position, not just perform the tasks required of the role. The test will ask questions about your emotional stability, agreeableness, honesty, values, and conscientiousness, among other personality traits.


Tips for the Background and Personality Section

Here are some tips that will help you succeed in the background and personality section of the exam:

  • Answer honestly. The best way to approach a personality test is to answer each question honestly. The purpose of this section is to ensure that you would be a good fit for the role. If you are not a good fit for the position, then not only will you not perform well, but you will not be happy. Answering these questions in an honest way is the best way to ensure a good fit for your career.
  • Read each question carefully. Personality test questions are sometimes worded in a way that makes you think twice about how you would answer them. Be sure to read each question-and-answer choice carefully before making your final selection.
  • Do not get stuck on a question. Because the test is timed, you do not want to spend too much time on a single question. Pace yourself, and if you are spending too much time on a question that you are not sure how to answer, move on and come back to it at the end of the test.


Background and Personality Sample Questions

Here are a few examples of questions you may see on the background and personality test. Remember, there are no correct answers on this portion of the test, but they will be using your responses to determine if you are a good fit for the role.

Question 3:

How do you respond when you see blood or other bodily fluids?

  1. The sight of blood and bodily fluids makes me sick to my stomach.
  2. The sight of blood and bodily fluids makes me turn away.
  3. I am not phased by the sight of blood and bodily fluids.
  4. Seeing blood and bodily fluids excites me.


Question 4:

How do you feel about teamwork?

  1. The best work is done when working in a team.
  2. I can work with others, but I prefer to work alone.
  3. Working with others distracts me from my job.
  4. I love leading a team to victory.


FDNY Firefighter Exam Scoring

While each test section has a possible maximum score, a high score on the exam does not guarantee success. Applicants’ scores are compared to each other to determine who graduates to the next round.

For example, if the department is only accepting candidates who score in the 90th percentile, you must score higher than 90% of the applicants. This means even if you get a 95% on the exam, if the majority of people score a 98%, you will not make the cut.

Because of this, it is vitally important to do as well as possible on the exam. Losing even one percentage point can knock you down to a lower percentile, meaning that you may not receive a call for the next stage of the process.


How to Prepare for the FDNY Firefighter Assessment?

The best way to ensure that you get as high of a score as possible is to study. There are online resources such as study guides, sample tests, and example questions that can help you prepare for the exam. Working through these materials will not only help you understand what kinds of questions are on the test, but they will also help you rehearse your timing.

Using these guides for the video questions is a great way to learn what details you should be paying attention to during the exam. The sample tests will also help you practice your reading comprehension skills and learn what to expect in the personality section.

Test-takers who spend time studying for the exam in advance greatly increase their chances of doing well on the test. And since you are competing against thousands of other applicants, you will want to take advantage of all of these resources so you can get as high of a score as possible.