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Cognitive Ability Test Online Preparation: Free Practice Questions & Helpful Tips – 2025

Job Aptitude Tests Preparation

Cognitive ability tests are pre-employment assessments given to graduates and job-seekers during the interview process. Designed to test for basic fluid intelligence, these online exams test how well applicants solve problems, make connections, recognize patterns, and speak precisely.

Large companies use cognitive assessment tests as screening tools when hiring new employees to eliminate unqualified candidates and single out top talent. Because resumes look more or less alike, these tests act as equalizers allowing you to separate yourself from the competition and catch the attention of the manager.


What Is a Cognitive Test?

Cognitive tests are basic intelligence tests designed to test both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Not only will you be asked to answer questions about abstract patterns and shapes, but you’ll also be asked to define words and solve basic math problems.

While cognitive aptitude tests generally are pretty straightforward, they can be very tricky. Below you’ll find a quick list of questions you can expect to see on the exam.

Verbal Reasoning:

  • Vocabulary
  • Analogies


Numerical Reasoning:

  • Basic Arithmetic
  • Ratios & Percentages
  • Word Problems
  • Number Series


Abstract Reasoning:

  • Sequences
  • Matrices



  • Syllogisms


Why Do I Need to Take a Cognitive Ability Assessment?

Large companies lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to poor hires and lazy employees. They invest in the hiring process because they know that a little time and effort spent during the recruitment process will pay off later.

According to research, intelligence is directly linked to professional success. Smarter employees learn new skills more quickly and can handle a larger workload. While personality and hard work are important too, intelligence is extremely important in the workplace.


How to Prepare for a Cognitive Test Online?

In order to prepare for a cognitive test online, you should complete some timed practice tests. When you’re finished with the test, go back and review your answers. Think about how you could answer each of the questions more efficiently. Is there a shortcut?

Should you have been looking at something you missed? The questions on cognitive ability tests are repetitive, so if you practice solving each kind of question, you shouldn’t have any surprises on test day.


Tips for Cognitive Thinking Questions:

Before you head out to the assessment center, make sure to read our best tips for answering cognitive assessment questions.

  1. Shortcuts are Key: This test is as much about your skills as it is about your efficiency. Cognitive exams have very strict time limits, and once time is up, it’s up. If you cannot work quickly, then you’ll fail even if you’re very intelligent. That’s why speed is the name of the game when it comes to cognitive assessment tests. Make sure that you’re familiar with the type of questions you’ll encounter on the test and that you know the quickest route to the answer.
  2. Keep it Simple: If you’re answering an analogy or a logic question, try to keep it simple. Use only the information given to you in the question and nothing else. If you extrapolate or read between the lines, you might bring in irrelevant, distracting information.
  3. Skip Around: When analyzing number series, remember that sometimes there are two rules which apply to every other number. That is to say that one rule might apply to the first, third, and fifth number while the second rule applies to the second, fourth, and sixth numbers. If the numbers look like they’re jumping around randomly, this is probably the case.


The Most Common Cognitive Reasoning Tests:

Final Thoughts on Cognitive Thinking Tests:

Most clever people assume that they’re already smart and that they don’t need to study for an intelligence exam. After all, if intelligence is innate, what’s the point of studying? However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re intelligent but you don’t know how to apply your knowledge, you won’t go very far. You’ll need to practice solving cognitive thinking questions ahead of time to make sure you’re fully prepared.

Looking to start right away? Click on our questions tab to try our cognitive test sample questions.


Sample Questions:

  1. Vehement most nearly means:
    1. Ardent
    2. Apathetic
    3. Antagonistic
    4. Aroused
  2. What number follows in the series?
    23, 3, 18, 9, 13, 27, 8,…
    1. 81
    2. 3
    3. 15
    4. 29
  3. Given that the first two premises are true, what can we say about the conclusion? Taylor’s bookshop sells coffee or tea.
    Sometimes Taylor’s bookshop offers biscuits.Henry orders a coffee and a tea every day at Taylor’s bookshop, and he is always given a complimentary biscuit.
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Uncertain
  4. Which figure comes next in the series?
    Free Cognitive Ability Test QuestionFree Cognitive Ability Test Answer
  5. A stock analyst is reviewing the performance of two stocks: Stock A and Stock B over five consecutive days. Stock A starts at $50 and gains 10% each day. Stock B starts at $75 and gains $5 each day. After how many days will the value of Stock A exceed Stock B?

    1. 3 days
    2. 4 days
    3. 5 days
    4. 6 days
  6. A developer tests three different software patches, which independently have a 70%, 80%, and 90% chance of success respectively. What is the probability that exactly two patches will work?

    1. 24.2%
    2. 27.6%
    3. 41%
    4. 45.2%
  7. A company forecasts its revenue using a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12%. If the revenue after three years is projected to be $1,404,928, what was the initial revenue?

    1. $1,000,000
    2. $900,000
    3. $950,000
    4. $1,050,000
  8. A reservoir’s water level, modeled by the function h(t)=40−0.3t2h(t)=40−0.3t2 where h is height in meters and t is time in days, will be rerouted in 30 days. What will be the height of the water at that time?

    1. 10 meters
    2. 13 meters
    3. 19 meters
    4. 28 meters
  9. A box contains 15 balls: 5 red, 5 blue, and 5 green. If six balls are picked randomly, what is the probability that at least one ball of each color is picked?

    1. 0.474
    2. 0.563
    3. 0.652
    4. 0.721
  10. A project manager has to schedule meetings with five clients (A, B, C, D, E). The meetings must follow these conditions:

    Meeting A must be scheduled before meeting C.

    Meeting D must be scheduled before meeting B.

    Meeting B must be scheduled before meeting E.

    Which of the following is a valid schedule for the meetings?

    1. A, C, B, D, E
    2. A, D, B, C, E
    3. D, A, B, C, E
    4. D, A, C, B, E
  11. Given that if a machine operates above 50 degrees Celsius it halts after exactly five hours of operation, and if the machine starts at 30 degrees Celsius and the temperature increases by 5 degrees each hour, how long will it take for the machine to halt?

    1. 4 hours
    2. 5 hours
    3. 6 hours
    4. Never halts
  12. If all plants in a garden that are exposed to a specific pesticide become resistant to a certain pest, and some of these plants are known to be fruit-bearing, which of the following conclusions is logically valid?

    1. All fruit-bearing plants in the garden are resistant to the pest.
    2. Some fruit-bearing plants in the garden are resistant to the pest.
    3. No fruit-bearing plants are resistant to the pest.
    4. All resistant plants are fruit-bearing.
  13. If a study finds that increased screen time correlates with reduced physical activity in teenagers, and another study shows that reduced physical activity is linked with higher obesity rates among teenagers, what can be inferred?

    1. Screen time causes obesity in teenagers.
    2. Teenagers are more likely to use screens than engage in physical activity.
    3. Physical activity has no impact on the health of teenagers.
    4. There is a potential indirect relationship between screen time and obesity.



  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D

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