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Indiana Civil Service Test Online Preparation & Tips – 2025

Aptitude Written Exams

Indiana State

Home to the popular Indianapolis 5000 car race, a base for several popular sports teams, and with several large metropolitan areas, Indiana has a diverse economy. It is heavily involved in steel manufacture and is home to the pharmaceutical company Eli-Lily. Indiana has one of the highest numbers of biopharmaceutical jobs in the United States.

Indiana State employees receive benefits, including:

  • Health benefits
  • Paid time off
  • Pension plans
  • Flexible spending plans
  • New parent leave


What Is Indiana’s Civil Service Interview Process?

Application Process

To fill out an application for a civil service job in Indiana, you will need to make a profile on the government website. After this is completed, you can search for jobs, or be alerted for jobs you might be interested in.


Indiana’s Civil Service Exams

The State of Indiana does not list an exam in its hiring process for civil service employees, but this may vary by city or county. Applicants for the police and fire departments will have a written exam to complete, in addition to other assessments.


Indiana’s Police Department Testing

  • NPOST The National Police Officer Selection Test is the most commonly used written police exam in the state of Indiana. The test measures the basic skills needed for entry-level positions like reading comprehension, grammar, incident report writing, and arithmetic. You will have an hour and 15 minutes to finish the test.
  • Physical Exam – Applicants for the police department must pass a physical exam to qualify for a position with the police department. They will have height and weight requirements they must meet, followed by a performance test.

Read more about Indiana’s police exams.


Indiana’s Fire Department

  • Written Exam – This psychometric test for the Indiana fire departments will measure basic math, reading comprehension, memorization, and problem-solving skills. Candidates will be given three and a half hours to complete the test.
  • CPAT- The Candidates Physical Ability Test will be given to ensure that applicants meet the physical standards. It tests agility, endurance, and upper body strength.



For some jobs, an interview will be the only assessment used. Go in prepared with any questions you may have about the position. Research the position to be ready for any situational questions you may be asked. Some questions may be about your background, and they will inquire about your training and education, to be certain it really is a match for the position.


How to Prepare for Indiana’s Civil Service Tests?

For jobs that require an exam, you must pass the exam to be moved forward in the hiring process. Reviewing the skills that are necessary for performing the job will help you know what you may be tested on. Some departments provide a study guide to help prepare applicants. If you are provided with a study guide, make use of it, it’s a valuable tool that can help ensure your success. On the day of the exam, try to arrive a few minutes early, so you have time to settle in. Read all the directions carefully and try not to spend too much time on any one question. Practice and use the tools available to you to pass the exams and prove why you should be part of the Indiana civil service team.