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Jet2 Assessment Center, Personality and Aptitude Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

Aptitude Employment Tests Prep

About Jet2 is the UK’s third-largest low-cost passenger airline. Their first flight was from Leeds Bradford Airport to Amsterdam in 2003 in a Boeing 737-300. It originated out of a company called Channel Express, part of the Dart Group, a holding company that provides aviation and temperature-controlled distribution services throughout the UK and Europe. It began in the 1970s, as a distributor, from its home in the Channel Islands delivering groceries and fresh flowers to wholesalers in the UK.  Nowadays, Jet2 fly from 11 UK airports to 65 European destinations. Visitors from Scotland and the north of England can fly into Boston, New York and Toronto. In North Africa, the company has flights into Morocco and Egypt. The company owns just under 100 aircraft.

Jet2 Holidays, a sister company, is the UK’s largest tour operator. They provide holiday packages to a variety of destinations in the UK and Europe, including flights, accommodation, tours and excursions.

Jet2 employs over 13,000 people in a wide range of posts. They receive these benefits.

  • Competitive salary
  • Health insurance and cash plan
  • Contributory pension
  • Paid Annual leave.
  • Discounted tickets
  • Long Service Recognition
  • Flexible working hours
  • Employee assistance program


What Is the Recruitment Process at Jet2?

Before you apply, ensure that your CV is completed and up to date. Have a printed copy on hand in case you need it. Vacant positions are posted on the website.  The company uses in-house recruiters and submits applicants to the cut-e (Aon) assessment tests.


Applying as a pilot for Jet2 includes the following steps:

  • Online Application
  • Telephone Screening
  • Assessment Tests
    • Complex Control – The test measures hand-eye coordination and requires the applicant to be very focused. It is online and takes about 3 minutes.
    • Monitoring Ability – The monitoring ability tests the candidate’s ability to complete tasks. It is a multiple choice and about 2 minutes long.
    • Multi-Tasking Test – The aim is to test the accuracy and speed of a candidate who can complete more than one activity at a time. The tasks may include mathematical questions, letter sequences and landing an aircraft.
    • Reaction Speed – As this suggests, this test measures the reaction speed of an applicant.
    • Situational Judgment Test (SJT) – This examines the emotional intelligence of a candidate, when under pressure or during a conflict. The test offers some hypothetical situations and suggestions on how best to handle them.
    • Spatial Orientation – Candidates are tested on their ability to comprehend the position and direction of an aircraft while flying. They are given a compass and gyrocompass to assist them.
  • Assessment Day
  • Simulator Assessment


Applying for cabin crew:

  • Online Application
  • Psychometric Assessments
    • Personality Assessment
    • English Test
    • Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
  • Telephone Interview
  • Assessment Day and Interview
  • Background Checks


Psychometric Assessments

Personality and aptitude tests are normally numerical and verbal reasoning in nature. They test how you use language and mathematics in a logical way not how proficient your skills are. You do, however, need to have a good grasp of the English language to do well in these tests. Most of the tests are multiple choice and have a time limit.

If you are worried about your answers to these tests, it is crucial that you prepare thoroughly for the remainder of the recruitment process as recruiters look at your overall performance. You can prepare by testing yourself with time-limited numerical exercises in newspapers and magazines.

  • Pre-Employment Personality TestThis is not a test, but rather a questionnaire that seeks to help recruiters get to know you. There are various questions related to your nature, your strengths and weaknesses and your motivations. There are no right or wrong answers.
  • Verbal Reasoning TestThis English test assesses your command of the English language. Aspects such as grammar, punctuation, pronunciation and others are tested.
  • Situational Judgement Test – The SJT test examines your actions and reactions in hypothetical situations you may encounter on the job. Qualities such as politeness, patience, kindness and helpfulness are required.


Telephone Interview

If your online application is successful, you will have a telephone interview with a recruiter, with the date and time communicated to you in advance. Use this time to prepare. The initial part of the interview will be about the skills and requirements for the position and ensuring that you understand these and the regulations for Jet2 flight attendants. There will probably be questions regarding your experience in public relations and customer service. Jet2 prides itself on excellent client relations and passenger satisfaction.


Assessment Day

If you impress the recruiter in your interview, you will be invited to Jet2’s assessment day. The details will be communicated. The agenda for the day includes a presentation, activities to ‘break the ice’ and a group exercise. Prepare to stand out in these exercises. Existing cabin crew staff will be available for you to chat with and ask questions. If you are a suitable candidate, you will be asked to remain for a face-to-face interview. The Jet2 website has plenty of information on how to prepare for the assessment day.


Background Checks

Nearly all recruitment processes will have background checks. These include contacting the references on your CV, checking your criminal record, whether you are allowed to work in the country and your financial details.


Tips for Improving Your Performance in Assessment Tests and Interviews.

If assessment tests are a weakness, set daily reading goals to improve reading skills. Learn to scan quickly over a piece of writing to identify key information. Practice adding in your head. Do not rely on a calculator. Practice answering assessment questions by investigating the numerous websites that specialize in assessment preparation. Other skills you can master through practice include logical reasoning by considering more than one solution to a problem. Think of alternatives and make logical choices.

Answering questions by using personal previous experience is a good way of demonstrating your skills. Prepare these in advance, so that you can call on them in the interview. Remember to smile, make eye contact and listen carefully to the questions the recruiter asks you.

Using the STAR technique to answer application and interview questions is beneficial.

S – Set the scene, describe the situation

T – task, what is the activity or challenge

A – action. What did you do?

R – result, what was the conclusion of the task?


How To Prepare for the Jet2 Assessments and Interview?

Most airline cabin crew recruitment process is very similar. Interview questions may follow the more traditional questions and answers type designed to ascertain your biographical information, some of which may have been included in your CV. Other questions may be standard such as why you want to work for the company and what your strengths and weaknesses are.

You will probably be asked questions regarding your knowledge and experience, so it is important to read up about the company and learn about its destinations, company developments and news.

You will no doubt be asked some behavioral and competency questions which will cover your skills within the framework of the position. You may be given hypothetical situations and asked what you would do. These are important to practice as they form an important part of the interview process. Ensure that your answers are concise and that you provide clear examples of your work performance.


Conclusion and Jet2holidays are subsidiaries of the Dart Group and specialize in aviation and tour operations in the UK and Europe. They have a substantial number of employees in a large variety of posts. The company offers attractive packages to their staff including competitive salaries, travel benefits and employee assistance programs.

The recruitment process is fairly standard as with most airlines, including an online application, telephonic interview, online and in-person assessments and background checks. It is important to prepare for your application by practicing answering interview questions and honing your psychometric skills to give yourself the best chance of being successful in your job application.