Kaiser Permanente Online Assessment Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Preparation – 2025

What Is Kaiser Permanente?
Started in 1945 by Doctor Sidney Garfield, and Industrialist Henry J Kaiser, Kaiser Permanente is a managed care consortium based in California. It is made up of three entities, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan inc, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and regional Permanente medical groups. Kaiser Permanente is one of the largest managed care organizations in the U.S, operating in 8 states in the District of Columbia. They currently employ 217,415 non-physicians. Based on your hours, region and position, benefits of working for Kaiser include:
- Sick leave
- Disability and life insurance
- Wellness and employee assistance programs
- Retirement plans
- Medical, vision, mental health, and dental coverage
- Tuition reimbursement
- Flexible spending account options
What Is Kaiser Permanente Hiring Process?
Instead of filling out a traditional application. Job-seekers interested in working at Kaiser Permanente must create an account and submit interest in the position. A resume must be submitted at the same time and will be used to determine if your qualifications match the job specifications.
Kaiser Permanente Online Assessment Tests
Certain positions require you to take online assessments. If online tests are required a Talent Acquisition Profesional will contact you about testing. Online testing for Kaiser Permanente may take the form of both psychometric tests and aptitude tests. Tests may include:
- Typing Test
Typing tests are designed to test the applicant’s speed and accuracy. You will be presented with a sample to type and must type it as quickly and accurately as possible.
- Office Word and Excel Tests
These tests measure the applicant’s proficiency with Microsoft Office.
- Wonderlic Personnel Test
The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, aslo known as the Wonderlic Personnel Test, is used to gauge the applicant’s problem-solving skills and learning ability. The recruitment team uses this as a gauge to determine how well you can adapt to the job, follow instructions, and handle the position.
- Numerical assessment test
The numerical aptotude test is given to tests the candidate’s strength with numbers. It is used to determine your strength at disseminating information from charts and graphs and your skill at calculating. These tests are multiple-choice and are timed.
- Personality Test
Personality tests are given to determine an applicant’s strengths, and how well they fit with the corporate values Kaiser Permanente promotes. These are usually untimed multiple-choice tests used to determine personality traits, and if those make you a good fit for the company.
How to Prepare for the Kaiser Permanente Online Assessments?
With positions with Kaiser Permanente in high demand, it is best to go into the online tests prepared. To make the online testing less stressful, make sure you set aside time in a place without distractions so you can focus. Practice for the skills-based tests. Brush up on your typing, and your knowledge of Microsoft Office, if applicable. Review your math skills, and practice your calculations if you haven’t done them for a while. Do not rush the timed tests. Focus on accuracy instead of speed. When taking personality tests, consider how you would respond to certain questions in a work setting.
How to Prepare for the Kaiser Permanente Interview?
Researching the company and the role you are applying for is a huge part of preparing yourself for interviews. Knowing what the company values are, can help you answer questions and prove you are a good fit for the position. The recruiters will be focusing on your related experience. Go over your resume to refamiliarize yourself with it. Mock interviews can go a long way to making you feel more confident about going into your real interview. Some questions you might practice are:
- We pride ourselves on our diverse workforce, can you name a time you were part of a diverse team?
- Mistakes occasionally happen. What’s a time when you made a mistake, and what did you do to rectify the situation?
- Why do you think you will be successful in this role?
Go into the interview with a knowledge of all the responsibilities the position you are interviewing entails, so you can accurately answer any questions they might have regarding how you plan to fill the role. Be prepared to ask any questions you might have about the company. This is also your chance to guarantee that this position is right for you.