Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment Preparation 2025

What Is the Korn Ferry Assessment?
Korn Ferry is an assessment company that has created multiple exams based on years of research and empirical data. These assessments are used by various companies who wish to find the right talent for the right positions. It also identifies predictive characteristics that can be used to develop an individual, job positions, and the company as a whole. The assessments are used to determine key talents, strengths, and weaknesses for potential and current employees. Korn Ferry assessments can be used during the interview process to screen potential employees. The assessments can also be taken by current employees to help companies promote people from within a corporation, so critical talent is harnessed and used to its full potential. In addition, senior leadership can benefit from these assessments by gaining a better understanding of their leadership profile.
Korn Ferry Leadership Architect Global Competency Framework
This assessment is used to assess employee’s strengths and weaknesses for performance reviews, interviewing, and career development. It allows for a person to evaluate their skills and develop them on a personal level, while also allowing the company to assess which skills and traits are critical at an organization level, department level, and for specific job roles so the business can run smoothly and flourish. The Leadership Architect was developed based on years of research on skills testing, market data, and literature resources to determine what factors matter most for successful, high performing leadership in the 21st century. They also took great care to make sure the competencies are globally valid across different countries and cultures. There are a total of 4 factors broken down into 12 clusters and further broken down into 38 competencies (skills) required for success. The four factors and what they include are:
- Thought – How one understands the business and thinks about new ways to improve it.
- Results – How one performs, takes action, and gets results.
- People – Looks at one’s interpersonal skills. How one communicates with others and manages others effectively.
- Self – Looks at how self-aware someone is, their flexibility, adaptability, and willingness to learn.
These competencies shape how we behave in a work environment and in daily life. They demonstrate that someone can make lasting and impactful contributions to a company and determine how fast someone can reach a goal.
Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential
Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential (KFALP) empirically measures leadership potential by assessing intelligence, personality, and practical skills. In general, this assessment focuses on what could be, rather than the current picture in an applicant’s career. This test is not designed to find the right employee for a specific position; rather it is looking for candidates with promise for advancement within the company. Through empirical research, Korn Ferry has identified seven key factors to look at when distinguishing those with high leadership potential.
- Drivers – Has the drive and motivation for the task
- Awareness – Self-awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses
- Capacity – Ability to think logically and problem-solve
- Experience – Formative experiences and challenges
- Learning Agility – Ability to learn from past experiences and use it in new experiences
- Leadership traits – Certain personality traits associated with leaders
- Derailment risks – Certain personality traits that can negatively impact leadership ability
The test takes 35-40 minutes, and the answers on this test will be forced choice responses as opposed to a Likert scale.
Korn Ferry 4D Executive Assessment (KF4D assessment)
The KF4D assessment is used for filling upper-level management and executive positions. It evaluates successful leaders by honing in on the four dimensions of leadership and talent (drives, competencies, experiences, traits). The assessment measures areas such as self-awareness, leadership traits, inherent interest in taking the lead, problem-solving skills, and the ability to avoid project pitfalls. It also measures a test takers ability to set goals, guide employees, plan, and communicate wi.th other employees. All things typically needed on a daily basis at a place of work.
You can check out Korn Ferry’s video here:
Korn Ferry viaEdge
The viaEdge test is a tool for hiring leadership from within and outside of organizations. The primary focus of this Korn Ferry assessment is on learning agility, which is strongly predictive of an applicant’s ability to learn from work situations and adapt quickly to new circumstances. ViaEdge identifies various types of agility such as mental, change, people, and results. It highlights one’s self-awareness, which is necessary for effective leadership. ViaEdge is a self-administered online assessment that takes 25- 30 minutes to complete. The answers are given on a Likert scale.
Companies That Use Korn Ferry Tests
Here are some of the many companies that use Korn Ferry Assessments:
How to Pass the Korn Ferry Assessment
Korn Ferry testing is considered to be a rigorous process and reviewing Korn Ferry Assessment system test questions and answers is vital. To be prepared for the Korn Ferry assessment, it is recommended that applicants work on Korn Ferry sample tests, such as the free Korn Ferry practice assessment by searching for Korn Ferry assessment of leadership potential sample questions along with the Korn Ferry test answers. Additionally, it is advised that an applicant thoroughly review Korn Ferry psychometric test answers. Finally finding relevant math, language quizzes, Raven’s progressive matrices, and logic puzzles are also beneficial. These will ensure you have a better understanding of the questions along with the rationale behind them. Keep in mind that for the personality section, it is a forced choice response exam. Faking is not an option, so be yourself. Also, it is helpful to become familiar with a Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential sample report to gain a better grasp of what the company considers a successful leadership profile.