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Ohio Police Officer Written Exam Online Preparation – 2025

Police Exam

Are you preparing to become an Ohio (OH) police officer? If you are, you are likely aware that you will need to pass the Ohio police exam. The police officer hiring process can be competitive, which means a passing score may not be enough to secure you a spot in the next steps. Learn how to pass and achieve a high score on the Ohio Police Officer Written Exam.


What Is the Ohio Police Officer Hiring Process?

To become a police officer in the state of Ohio, you must be at least 21 years old and either hold a high school diploma or GED. Candidates will have their applications reviewed by the police department’s hiring managers, who will choose which candidates are eligible for progression. Applicants will likely be asked to undergo a two-month process that includes background checks, polygraph examinations, medical examinations, physical fitness evaluations, and a written examination. Successful completion of all of these steps may result in being selected for training at a police academy. Many job seekers will agree that the hardest step in the hiring process is the written exam, as they cover a wide range of material that must be prepared for.


What Is the Ohio Police Officer Written Exam?

Each Ohio police department is free to choose whichever police officer exam they want. However, most police departments choose to use The Ohio Law Enforcement Selection Inventory. This test has started replacing many of the random tests that were previously used. This test covers various subjects and abilities that you will need to comprehend. If you plan on becoming an Ohio police officer, you will most likely be asked to take one of the following assessments:


Columbus Police Officer Exam

The Columbus Division of Police is the 25th largest police department in the country and the largest in Ohio. The Division chooses to use their own written exam to test their candidates called the Columbus Oral Police Exam (COPE). You will also be required to take a multiple-choice exam and a writing sample exam. After you complete all of these tests, you will then be required to pass a physical test. The Columbus Division of Police is responsible for protecting the city and its residents, which is why they require their applicants to undergo a thorough hiring process. The exams you will be asked to take include the following:

  • Multiple-Choice Exam: This exam includes four individual sections that will test your basic abilities and knowledge.
    • Spelling: During the first part of this section, you will read through a sentence and select a word that is spelled correctly and would best complete the sentence. During the second part of this exam, you will need to read sentences and identify words that have been misspelled.
    • Vocabulary: You will read a sentence and see a word that has been capitalized. Based on the instructions, you will need to select a word that either has the same meaning or the opposite meaning of the capitalized word.
    • Reading Comprehension: You will read 4-8 passages and answer 15-30 questions about the details found in the passage. You are allowed to refer back to the passages as much as you want.
    • Map Reading: You will be required to read a map and prove that you know how to follow basic directions.
  • Writing Sample Exam: This exam requires you to watch a short video of a police officer who is questioning a person. After the video, you will write an incident report that includes information found in the video. You will only have one hour to complete the incident report, which includes two sections. The first section is simply form completion, and the second section requires you to use complete sentences to describe the incident. Keep in mind that you will be able to take notes throughout the video. You need to write down any pertinent information.
  • Columbus Oral Police Exam (COPE): This exam is a video-based assessment that requires you to watch eight scenarios. Afterward, you will need to answer questions about the appropriate way to react to the scenarios.


Moraine Police Officer Exam

The Moraine Police Department uses the OH-SELECT assessment on their future employees. The OH-SELECT is extremely similar to the National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory (NCJOSI). The exam is divided into two sections. The first section is made up of 60 multiple-choice questions that cover 12 subsections. The OH-SELECT includes the following subsections:

  • Verbal Expression requires you to choose a word that is spelled correctly, identify a word that is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, and select a phrase or word that accurately completes the sentence.
  • Verbal Comprehension requires you to read a written text and understand its meaning by answering relevant questions.
  • Inductive Reasoning requires you to formulate conclusions about information presented in graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Deductive Reasoning requires you to read through a passage involving specific police procedures and identify a procedure that would work best during a certain situation.
  • Problem Sensitivity requires you to read through a passage and identify any problematic areas that could lead to future issues.
  • Information Ordering requires you to arrange information, statements, or facts in a logical order.
  • Mathematical Reasoning requires you to use arithmetic skills to solve problems involving averages, proportions, or percentages.
  • Number Facility requires you to calculate the correct answer using subtraction, addition, division, or multiplication.
  • Visualization requires you to visualize how an object would look if it were manipulated or altered.
  • Spatial Orientation requires you to visualize the location of an object or item in relation to other items.
  • Selective Attention requires you to concentrate on a specific task when there are distractions present.
  • Flexibility of Closure requires you to find a hidden object, picture, or number within similar objects.

The second half of this exam includes 125 statements that ask about your personality. These questions are designed to learn about your preferences and motivations. You will see a number scale between 1 and 5 that represents how strongly you agree. You will have to read a statement and determine your level of agreement. In total, you will have two hours to complete both halves of the exam.


Cleveland Police Officer Exam

The second-largest police department in Ohio is the Cleveland Division of Police. This police department uses the Frontline National Test published by Ergometrics. This exam includes three sections and has a 2.5-hour time limit. The Frontline National Test includes the following test sections:

  • Situational Judgement and Human Relations Video-based Test: During this section, you will need to watch around 50 individual videos that show police officer scenarios. You will then choose a course of action for each scenario. You will only have 10 seconds to answer each question after the video. In total, you will have one hour and 45 minutes to finish this section.
  • Report-Writing Video Test: During this section, you will need to complete two different parts with a total completion time limit of 31 minutes. The first half of the test requires you to watch a video of police-related situations and then compose a report about the situation. The second half of the test requires you to answer 15 questions regarding the English language. You will have 10 minutes to complete the second half of the exam.
  • Reading Test: During this section, you will have 15 minutes to complete sentences that include blank spaces where words should be. You will have to choose words and phrases that make the most logical and grammatical sense.


Toledo Police Officer Exam

The Toledo Police Department uses its own police officer exam called the Toledo Police Department Exam. This exam includes 150 multiple-choice questions that are split across four sections. You will be required to answer questions from the following sections:

  • Police Operations: You are required to memorize information about traffic and vehicles, law enforcement roles, operations, and investigations. You will then answer 115 questions about these topics.
  • Wanted Posters: You are required to memorize details from a wanted poster, followed by answering ten related questions.
  • Observational Videos: You are required to watch various videos, followed by answering ten questions about the information presented in the videos. Keep in mind that you are allowed to write down notes throughout the videos.
  • Mathematical and Language Skills: You are required to answer 15 questions about basic arithmetic and language skills. This could include reading comprehension, spelling, subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication tasks.


Other Ohio Police Officer Written Exams by City or Position

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How to Prepare for the Ohio Police Officer Written Exam?

Regardless of whether you take the OH-SELECT or Frontline National Test, you will still need to study and prepare. You need to know what to expect and prepare accordingly. Free online resources have already done the hard part for you. You can take advantage of sample questions, practice exams, study guides, and more. These materials cover every topic you’ll encounter on the actual exam and are a great way to become familiarized with the challenging content. You can repeat these practice exams as often as you want. In most cases, if you fail the actual police exam, you will be required to wait before you can retake the exam. This is not ideal and should be avoided by creating a sturdy preparation process. When you use resources like practice exams and example questions, you are giving yourself the best chances to ace the police test the first time around. Make use of online preparation materials and score well on the Ohio Police Officer Written Exam.