Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) Assessment Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

What Is PGE?
Pacific Gas and Electric, PGE is a U.S utility company that provides national gas service in California. The service area includes the Northern 2/3rds of the state. PG&E is headquartered in San Francisco and is investor-owned. PG&E is ranked one of the cleanest utility companies in the United States. With its 25,000 employees, it strives to invest in new technology and promote a culture of inclusion.
For traditional hires, there are careers available in the corporate office in fields like finance and engineering, fieldwork roles as linemen, in maintenance, transportation, and construction. In addition to roles for experienced workers, there are student programs, trade programs, and a Veterans program to train returning veterans for a new career.
Pacific Gas and Electric employees have a generous benefits package available to them. Benefits they may be eligible for include:
- Medical, dental, and vision plans
- Mental health services
- Wellness programs
What Is PGE’s Recruitment Process?
To get the ball rolling, you need to create a profile. Make sure your resume is updated with all the relevant information. A resume is required with every application you submit. You can submit applications for multiple positions at once. Just be sure not to submit too many, as this will raise red flags. It may take several weeks to receive information regarding your application, but if there are any other steps you need to take, such as pre-hire testing, you will be contacted.
Not all positions require testing, but if it is required for the position you want, recruiting will call you to schedule any tests you need to be in-person to take. For jobs such as lineman, you will need to take a series of physical exams. Other tests are given online, and you will be sent a link. After any required testing your application will be reviewed again, and if it stands out, you will be contacted to interview.
If at any point in the process, your application is rejected, you will receive a notice of disqualification. Before applying make sure you meet the minimum qualifications and at least a few of the desired ones. The more you meet, the better your chances of your application making it through all the reviews.
PGE Psychometric Tests
PG&E has four tests that are given online. The Physical Battery Test (PBT), the Industrial Skills Test (IST), the Clerical Test Battery (CTB), and the Work Orientation Inventory (WOI). If any of these tests are required you will be sent a link. You will have 5 days from receiving the test link to complete the tests.
- Physical Battery Test – This exam consists of two topics that are important indicators of mechanical aptitude: Numerical Ability and Spatial Visualization. The Numerical Abilities portion of the test will focus on problem-solving using basic math. There are 75 questions, divided into 3 sections. The sections are split into problems with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. You will need to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve the problems. The Spatial Visualization section measures your ability to conceptualize and manipulate objects in space. There will be 50 questions, each one has a picture of blocks stacked in various ways. Each block will be labeled. You will need to determine how many other blocks each labeled block is touching.
- Industrial Skills Test – This assessment is made up of 3 sections, Reading Comprehension, Working with Numbers Charts and Graphs, Mechanical Principles. You will have 30 minutes to complete the 25 question Reading Comprehension section. Each question has a passage that concerns working an industrial job. It will be followed by questions about what you have read, and how well you understood the information you were given. There are 25 questions in the Working With Numbers Charts and Graphs section. Here you will be given information in graphs. You will need to use the information at hand to determine how to answer each question. The Mechanical Principles section is 36 questions that focus on basic physics and mechanics. Each question contains a diagram of a basic system, like gears, and you will need to answer how small changes will affect its function. You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
- Clerical Test Battery – This group of tests measures the skills needed to succeed in clerical and meter reading positions. There are 5 areas of focus. Computation, Language Skills, Problem Solving, Coding, And Visual Speed and Accuracy. The computation test is all about working with numbers. You will need to solve basic math problems involving whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. You will have a time limit of 5 minutes. For Language Skills, you will be given a passage to read. Each question will be a sentence pulled from the passage with a word or phrase underlined. The point is to determine if there are any spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes. This section is also timed, with a 5 minute limit. Problem Solving is another challenge of your numerical ability. This time, you will be solving word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The Coding test is an exercise of your classification ability. You will have a table of items that have a number code assigned. You need to be able to select the right codes to correctly answer the questions. Visual Speed and accuracy measures how quickly you can accurately determine if a pair of numbers are the same or different. You will have 5 minutes to complete this section.
- Work Orientation Inventory – This is a behavioral assessment that measures how well your behaviors and personality are matched to the company values. This inventory focuses on 4 sets of behavior.
- Safety
- Driving Behaviors
- Customer Service
- Teamwork
For each question, you will need to select the answer that best describes you and your attitudes in the workplace.
How To Prepare For PGE’s Assessments?
Pacific Gas and Electric is different from some employers in that any tests you will need to take are listed in the job posting. This gives you an opportunity to prepare for the exact areas in which you will be tested. Each test category requires an ability to work with numbers. Focusing on your basic arithmetic abilities, practicing with word problems, and with graphs will be to the advantage of people applying for any role. If you are going into a technical position, now is an important time to review simple physics concepts and basic mechanics. PG&E does have study guides developed for specific positions, and using their resources will give you a leg up. Reading comprehension can be improved by reading whatever you have available, and answering follow-up questions about the material. You can come up with these questions yourself prior to reading. When you sit for the tests, have everything you need close at hand. You will only be able to have a pencil and scratch paper to help with the sections involving numbers, but you will be glad to have them nearby. Make sure your internet connection is strong, and that you can take the tests undisturbed to allow you to focus.