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Schlumberger Psychometric Tests, Hiring Process, Assessment Center & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

Solving Aptitude Tests

What Is Schlumberger?

Schlumberger is a global provider of technology and services for the oil industry and the largest offshore drilling company in the world. They were founded in 1926 and currently have four executive offices located in Paris, Houston, London, and The Hague. Today, they have 82,000 employees who work together to create technology that unlocks access to energy for all.


Working at Schlumberger

Schlumberger is always looking for skilled professionals and recent graduates to join their team and help them accomplish their mission of providing energy to the world. They are very proud of their company culture and look to hire candidates who fit in with their existing team and values.

To retain the best people in the field, they offer their employees a range of benefits in exchange for their hard work. These benefits include:

  • Market-driven compensation
  • Fringe and mobility benefits (including housing and schooling for certain mobile employees)
  • Performance bonuses and commissions
  • Health care
  • Life, accident, and disability insurance
  • Retirement plan that includes pension, savings plan, and profit-sharing
  • Discounted stock purchase plan
  • Relocation support

They have an exceptional training program that includes a tailored approach to career development to ensure that every employee has what they need to succeed.


Graduate Career Paths

Schlumberger is not only seeking experienced professionals; they also have numerous career paths for recent graduates and people early on in their careers. They hire thousands of graduates every year across four key areas:

  • Operations: Those in operations are at the center of the business. These are the field and maintenance engineers that deploy Schlumberger technology and services to ensure all drilling is done efficiently and safely.
  • Technology: Schlumberger technology teams design and deliver innovations that help shape the industry’s future with digital technology, engineering, and manufacturing.
  • Geoscience and Petrotechnical: The experts in this area harness the latest technology to discover and evaluate hydrocarbon deposits.
  • Commercial and Business: The commercial and business area covers everything from human resources to sales and helps the organization run on every level.

In addition to these roles for recent graduates, Schlumberger offers internship opportunities for those who want to learn more about the business and see if the company is a good fit for them.


What Is Schlumberger’s Recruitment Process?

Online Application

The first step in the Schlumberger recruitment process is the online application. The company only allows you to submit one application at a time, so be sure to look through the available roles and see which one is right for you before applying.

You will need to answer some basic pre-employment questions and upload a recent CV during the application process. Schlumberger will screen applicants based on the CV, so it is essential that yours is professional, well written, and highlights all of the skills and traits that are important to the company.

Schlumberger is looking for candidates who are team players and fit in with the company’s culture. Regardless of role, Schlumberger is looking for the following traits in their candidates:

  • Team players who are able to see their work as a contribution to a bigger goal
  • People who are responsive to customers’ needs, who take action, and take initiative
  • Creative thinkers
  • Reliable and trustworthy individuals
  • Good listeners who understand the bigger picture
  • People who are flexible and can adapt quickly to new situations
  • Individuals from diverse backgrounds who bring new ways of thinking into the company

Because ensuring culture fit is such a big part of the hiring process, you will want to highlight these traits early on and be prepared to showcase them throughout the recruitment process.


Schlumberger’s Psychometric Tests

Schlumberger uses SHL (CEB) and BMCT online assessments to examine its candidates and determine if they are a good fit for the company.

The first tests you will encounter are psychometric tests. These are different reasoning tests that assess your cognitive ability and critical thinking skills. A few reasoning tests that you will likely encounter are:

  • Numerical Reasoning TestThe numerical reasoning test is a timed, multiple-choice exam that will assess your ability to analyze numerical information. The test will present this information in graphs, charts, tables, and basic mathematical functions. You will then need to answer questions based on the provided information. You will not need complex mathematical skills to do well on this test, but you will need a basic understanding of mathematical functions, percentages, ratios, fractions, and currencies.
  • Mechanical Reasoning TestIf you are applying for a technical position, you will likely have to take a mechanical reasoning test. This test will examine your understanding of mechanical and physical actions. Examples include forces and motions, energy, circuits, and voltage. You may also need to do some basic calculations during the test. This multiple-choice exam is also timed, so be sure to work quickly and efficiently.
  • Abstract Reasoning Test Most candidates will also take an abstract reasoning test. This test is image-based and will assess your logical thinking skills. You will receive a series of shapes or figures and need to identify the missing figure in the sequence from a given set of answers.


Schlumberger’s Aptitude Tests

In addition to the psychometric tests, candidates will also take a series of aptitude tests to assess their ability to perform the basic functions required of the role. The exact tests that you take will vary depending on the position for which you are applying, but a few of the most common tests that applicants encounter include:

  • Schlumberger Technical Test – The Schlumberger technical test is for candidates seeking an engineering position. During this task, candidates will receive five minutes to put together a valve using a technical drawing as a guide. This activity will not only test your technical aptitude but will also assess your ability to work under pressure.
  • Verbal Reasoning Test The verbal test is a basic aptitude test that all candidates will likely take. This test examines your language skills, including reading comprehension, text analysis, grammar, and vocabulary. Because these skills are essential for any job at Schlumberger, you must perform well on this test.
  • Field Engineer Test – This exam is designed specifically for those applying to be field engineers. This test combines the numerical and mechanical reasoning tests previously described and includes questions on math, physics, electrical circuits, mechanics, and statistics. This 20-question test has a time limit of 40 minutes.


Schlumberger’s Assessment Center

Candidates who do well on the assessments will participate in an assessment center. This day will consist of various activities that you will complete alone or in a group with other candidates. The hiring team will examine your actions throughout the day, so be sure to remain professional and courteous the whole time.

  • Presentations – One individual activity that you will likely complete is the presentation. You will receive information related to the role you are applying for and prepare a 30-minute presentation on the given topic. You will then present this topic to an assessor who will further test your subject knowledge by asking questions. This activity will test your communication skills, presentation skills, and ability to work under pressure. Be sure to prepare to the best of your ability before presenting to the assessor. You can ask questions ahead of time if there is anything that you do not understand.
  • Group ExerciseCandidates will also complete a group exercise. This activity will test how well you work in a team and will give you a chance to highlight your leadership and communication skills. During this exercise, a hiring manager will present the candidates with some information and an issue that they must work together to solve. It is crucial to consider what Schlumberger is looking for in its candidates to do well in this activity. Use this time to show that you are a team player who can think creatively to solve problems and understand the big picture.
  • InterviewThe interview will be the last activity during the assessment Center day and the last step in the hiring process. This competency-based interview will be 30-minutes, and the interviewer will focus on your skills and ability to perform the duties required of the role. They may also ask questions to learn more about you and determine if you are a good culture fit for the company.


Sample Interview Questions

Below are a few examples of questions that you may encounter during the Schlumberger interview:

  • Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback. How did you handle it?
  • What is your biggest strength?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • Describe a time when you experienced a conflict at work and tell me how you handled the situation.
  • Why do you want to work for Schlumberger?
  • Describe your ideal job.


Interview Tips

Before heading to the Schlumberger interview, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Study your CV before the interview: The interviewer will likely ask you questions about your CV and the other information you included in your application. Take some time to review what you submitted so you are prepared to answer any questions.
  • Research the company and the division: They will likely ask you what you know about the company and the department that houses the role you are seeking. Do some research on the business ahead of time to come off as knowledgeable to the assessor.
  • Study the job description: When answering the interview questions, it is good to keep the job role description in mind to tailor your responses to the specific position. For example, if the description notes that they are looking for someone detail-oriented, you’ll want to highlight that skill in your responses.
  • Prepare questions for the interviewer: The interview is a time for you to learn about the demands of the role and the company culture to decide if the position is a good fit for your needs and goals. Come to the interview prepared to ask the assessor some questions as well.


How to Prepare for the Schlumberger Assessment?

Schlumberger is looking for team players who can think creatively and focus on the big picture. They are also looking for candidates who fit seamlessly into the company’s culture.

The best way to show the hiring team that you can perform the job duties and that you are an excellent fit for the company is to do well on the Schlumberger assessments. Schlumberger uses its assessments to determine who continues the hiring process and, ultimately, who receives a job offer. You must do well on these tests to do well during the recruitment process.

To do well on these assessments, you must take the time to prepare. There are great resources online to help prepare for these assessments, such as sample tests and practice exercises. Putting in the effort to prepare for these exams will help you perform to the best of your ability on the actual exam and help prove to the Schlumberger hiring team that you are the best candidate for the position.