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SJT Pearson VUE Online Preparation & Tips – 2025

Solving Aptitude Tests

What Is the SJT Pearson VUE?

Pearson VUE is an exam company that offers testing centers and partnerships across various industries worldwide. Companies will partner with Pearson VUE to manage the testing process for their applicants. Over 5,000 Pearson VUE test centers in 180+ countries administer more than 19 million exams each year.

If you apply for a company that utilizes Pearson VUE as their testing service, you will be directed to their website and asked to find your specific program. The employer should give you the information you need to find their particular program. Once you navigate to your program’s page, you can view a list of available exams and create an account.

Many programs will ask you to take a situational judgement test (SJT) as part of your exam process with Pearson. The SJT Pearson VUE format may differ slightly depending on the program, but the aim of the exam will be to assess your behaviors and values to see if they align with the company’s needs.


Pearson SJT Format

More information on the format will be provided during registration, but you should expect that the SJT Pearson VUE exam will have 100+ questions and take anywhere from one to two hours to complete.

Some programs require you to register with a testing facility, while others allow you to take the test online. If you are taking the test from your computer, confirm the system requirements and test your computer before entering the exam.


Pearson VUE SJT Question Types

The SJT Pearson VUE will present each test-taker with various scenarios and follow-up questions that describe different actions you could take in response to the situation. There are different question types that you may encounter on the exam:

  • Classic SJT: The traditional SJT questions will present a paragraph detailing a simulated situation you must respond to. You will then choose the best (and sometimes worst) response from those provided.
  • Ranking: These are similar to the classic SJT questions, but instead of only selecting the best and/or worst answer, you must rank all possible responses from most appropriate to least appropriate.
  • Multiple Choice: The multiple-choice questions present several response options, and you must select your top three most appropriate actions.
  • Multi-Media: These questions will use video to show the scenario. This format allows the applicant to fully immerse themselves in the situation to better understand the scenario.
  • Speech Dilemmas: These questions will ask you to select how you would respond in various situations. These usually involve tough conversations with patients, clients, or stakeholders.
  • Evolving Dilemmas: Evolving dilemma questions will provide multiple scenarios that build on each other. Each scenario will present new information that must be considered in the response.


How to Prepare for the Pearson VUE SJT Assessment?

There are three things you should do in preparation for the SJT Pearson VUE assessment: Research the company you are applying for, ensure you have taken care of all exam logistics, and use practice tests and other materials to boost your confidence for the exam.

Because the company is looking for applicants who embody their values and act as they would want their employees to behave, it is essential to research the organization ahead of time to understand what they are looking for. This can help guide you when answering SJT Pearson VUE exam questions.

To avoid complications on test day, you will want to take care of any logistics beforehand. If you are taking the exam online, check the system requirements and confirm that your computer can accommodate them. You will also need an ID handy. Review the testing policies at your location if you take the test in person.

Lastly, you will want to study and prepare for the exam using practice tests and other exam prep materials well ahead of taking the exam. The more time you give yourself to learn, the better your chance of doing well on the exam. Practice tests are one of the greatest resources you can use to prepare for the SJT Pearson VUE exam because it allows you to work through sample questions so you know what to expect on the actual exam. This type of preparation will help boost your confidence and your score.