Skills Test Online Preparation & Tips – 2025

What is a Skills Test?
A skills test is a pre-employment exam that companies will give candidates to assess a specific skill related to the position. Candidates will often take skills tests and other exams to show the employer they are the best applicant for the position. This can be anything from typing tests to coding in a specific language.
You will want to do as well as you can on these tests since your score will be compared to other job seekers to determine if you will graduate to the next stage of the hiring process or will be removed from consideration.
There are several types of skills tests. Here are a few examples of common ones you may encounter during your job search.
Memory Tests
Memory tests are often given to those needing to remember a large amount of information, such as police officers and first responders. These tests will present a photo and give you a few minutes to review the image. Then, the image will be removed, and you must answer questions based on what you saw.
You often have to recall small details from the image that somebody may overlook or forget. For example, you may receive an image of children playing during a school recess and need to tell the time based on the clock at the top of the building.
Doing well on this exam will show the employer that you can quickly process and retain information, which is an excellent skill for certain professions.
Typing Test
Another common skill exam is a typing test. These are often given to applicants seeking a secretarial or administrative role since they will likely be typing up notes for meetings and reports, among other documents.
Some companies have a certain typing speed that they want their employees to achieve. In this case, they may ask their applicants to type up a paragraph within a specific time frame to see how many words they can type per minute. There are also various online typing tests that they may utilize.
It is important to note that most typing tests will also consider accuracy when scoring your exam. Therefore, it is essential to work on typing for speed and avoid as many mistakes as possible.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a standard word-processing program used in many companies for documentation. Roles frequently using this program may require a Microsoft Word skills test to show the company that you can use the program effectively.
While most people can type in Word and use the program at a basic level, there are a lot of advanced features that companies will utilize when formatting their documents. They will want to ensure you are familiar with the features they need you to utilize.
Some of the features in Word that may be on the test include:
- Line spacing
- Font changes
- Table creating
- Photo importing
- Captioning images
- In-text references
Microsoft Excel
Like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel is another standard program with many capabilities, many of which are not utilized by most users. If your role requires lots of data entry or analysis, you may be required to take a Microsoft Excel skills test to show that you are familiar with the program’s functions.
These tests usually involve answering questions about a given data set using Excel’s various functions and calculations. For example, you may need to use pivot tables, lookups, or chart creations to answer questions.
Software Programming / Coding
Those seeking a role in software may have to take a skills test to show that they can code in a specific programming language. Many companies prefer one programming language to keep their internal software and processes consistent. Before hiring you to work for them, they need to know that you are able to code in that language.
You may be asked questions about the language, or you may have to write a script of code as an example of your capabilities.
Proofreading is another skill you must demonstrate in real-time to show you can complete the task well. Proofreading skills tests are often given to those in administrative roles that will be handling various communications or helping with report generation.
For the exam, you will likely receive a short document containing several errors you must identify and correct. Because companies want to ensure that all of their documents are error-free, you will need to do your best to catch every error presented on the exam. Here are a few examples of what you will need to look for during the test:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Word usage
- Sentence tense
- Consistency
- Acronym definitions
- Flow
- Sentence structure
Job Simulations
Some jobs may also have you complete a job simulation that assesses several skills you will need to succeed in the role. For example, if you are applying for a customer service role, you may be required to go through a simulated assessment where you are completing an interaction with a customer. Doing well on the exam will show the company you have the communication and interpersonal skills required for the position.
How to Prepare for Skills Assessment?
Skills assessments can be challenging to prepare for because they are so narrowly focused. The best way to prepare for the exam is to ask the hiring manager what skills assessments will be required, then take similar online practice tests to brush up on the skill and better understand what to expect from the exam.
Another tip to help you do better on the exam is to utilize the skill in your daily life. The more familiar you are with the skill, the easier it will come to you, and that will show on the exam. For example, if you are taking a typing skills test, you should type up documents whenever possible and take free online typing tests leading up to the actual exam.
Applicants who take the time to prepare for these tests are significantly more likely to do well and succeed in the hiring process.