USPS Postal Exam 642 Online Preparation & Tips – 2025

In order to prepare for the USPS Postal Exam 642, you will need to know the layout of the exam and the types of questions you will be asked. This article will give you an overview of what this exam is, the questions you will be asked to answer, and the best ways to prepare for it.
What is the USPS Postal Exam 642?
The USPS Postal Exam 642 is a test used by USPS for job seekers and recent college graduates who have applied for a supervisor position. This is a non-proctored test, meaning you can take it at home online. However, unlike the other USPS assessments, this exam has a time limit of 90 minutes. The USPS hiring managers will use your results to gain a better understanding of your leadership capabilities as well as your aptitude for handling difficult situations. Your results will be compared with other candidates’ results, and those with the best results will likely move onto the interview step of the screening process. In order to gain one of those spots, you need to know how to prepare and what to prepare for.
The USPS Postal Exam 642 will be divided into the following two sections:
Situational Judgement Test
During this part of the exam, you will be asked to answer 48 questions within 60 minutes. These questions will likely be centered around real-world work scenarios that you should expect to encounter. You will be required to read over a scenario, and then choose the best action to take and the worst action to take. These types of tests usually contain several answers that are similar to each other. In order to prepare for this, you should use online study guides and practice exams. These online resources will allow you to gain insight on the types of questions you will be asked as well as how to choose the best response.
Personality Test
For this section of the exam, you will be provided with 63 questions, and you will have 30 minutes to answer them. Your answers to this type of psychometric exam will allow USPS to learn more about who you are and what motivates you. You may think that there are no right or wrong answers for a personality test, but there are. When you answer these questions, you need to remember the position you are applying for and consider the personality traits you believe USPS is looking for.
How to Prepare for the USPS Postal Exam 642?
The best way to prepare for this exam is by using online practice exams and study guides. You will need to prepare for this pre-employment exam well in advance, so do not wait until the last second to start studying. Learn about the types of questions you will be asked and the best way to answer them. Practice exams that included responses and their explanations will allow you to learn whether or not you are answering questions correctly, as well as teach you about the kinds of answers the hiring managers will be looking for during the hiring process. The USPS recruiting process is extremely competitive. Make sure you stand out from the crowd and give yourself the best chances for acing the USPS Postal Exam 642.
Prepare for the most common Postal Exams.