Virtual Job Tryout Online Preparation – 2025

What Is a Virtual Job Tryout?
The Virtual Job Tryout was designed by Shaker Inc., to help determine how a job candidate will perform based on a predictive model. This test acts as an online job simulation, demonstrating how familiar an individual is with key components of the job they have applied for. The VJT is used by a number of different fields as a pre-employment test. The manufacturing, retail, banking, and healthcare industries all make use of the VJT. There are two sets of Virtual Job Tryout available to employers. The Standard Virtual Job Tryout, and the Enterprise Virtual Job Tryout.
The Standard Virtual Job Tryout has 8 sections:
- Job-Preview – This is a look into the corporate culture and the expectations of the position. This will help inform your decision about whether the job is right for you.
- Job-Related Tasks – You will be given a virtual simulation of tasks that you may have to perform on the job, or that are not part of the job but that you may be asked to perform at some time.
- Test-Drive Job Tasks – You will be given a virtual simulation of tasks that are required of the job, and that you will regularly be completing.
- On-the-Job Problem-Solving – You will demonstrate how you would solve problems that may occur on the job.
- Work History Questionnaire – This section will have questions about your previous job experience.
- Simulation Scenarios – This will help to demonstrate some of the situations that may occur on the job, so the hiring team can gauge your response.
- Work-Style Questionnaire – This section is used to determine the type of environment that you will perform the best in. You may be asked questions about your teamwork style, the type of environment you prefer, and how well you relate to people on your team.
The Enterprise Virtual Job Tryout is a more customizable version that includes all the sections found on the standard VJT plus 4 additional features added for the benefit of the business giving the test.
- Visual Branding – The company branding will be on the test.
- Message Branding – The company can share more information about its products and corporate culture.
- Workplace Tasks – Specific tasks required of their job candidates will be included.
- Competencies – Candidate results will be interpreted in the language of the parent company.
The questions on the VJT are either multiple-choice, fill in the blank, or short answer. The structure of the test can vary based on the job you are trying for, but it will usually take around an hour to complete.
How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Tryout?
The Virtual Job Tryout is unique in that it gives you a chance to get to know what the job is like, while still using a virtual platform. Individuals can get a feel for the job and decide if it is really something that will suit them. It is important not to go into the VJT unprepared, knowing what to expect will help you do the best you can, and make the most of the experience.
The most important thing is to get to know the company. Learn their core values and corporate culture, and what they like to see in their employees. Find out everything the position entails, so you are prepared for the simulations. If there are any hard skills you need to know, such as data entry or typing, practice these skills before you sit down to take the test.
The Virtual Job Tryout is used by a variety of companies like Starbucks, Lowe’s Home Improvement, JP Morgan, and Quest Diagnostic. With the VJT becoming popular with such a diverse group of businesses it is very likely that you will encounter one at some point in your job search. The Virtual Job Tryout is nothing to stress about, and it can give you valuable insight into your chosen professional path.