White & Case Assessment Center, Aptitude Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

What Is White & Case?
White & Case is an international law firm headquartered in New York City, New York. The firm was founded in 1901 and serves corporations, governments, and financial institutions in over 180 countries. Their 2,000+ lawyers offer services in several industries, including:
The firm operates with a “client first” mentality. They strive to guide their clients through difficult situations and help create innovative approaches. Three core values shape their culture and differentiate them from other law firms:
- Human: They care about the world around them.
- United: They are a single firm with a shared sense of purpose.
- Pioneering: They take advantage of learning, innovating, and growing opportunities.
Working at White & Case
Career opportunities exist for experienced lawyers and business professionals at White &Case. They also have positions for students and recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in law. The firm is looking for candidates who are:
- Team-oriented and dependable.
- Self-motivated with drive, determination, and ambition.
- Open-minded and engage professionally with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
What Is the Recruitment Process at White & Case?
Online Application
To apply for a position at White & Case, you must submit an application through their online portal. The application will require your personal information, contact details, and education history. You will also need to upload a recent CV that showcases skills and previous work experience relevant to the position you are applying for.
Video Interview
The first interview will be a pre-recorded video. You will receive three questions and have 15 seconds to prepare a 90-second response to each question. The topics can be anything from why you want to work at White & Case to a more complex legal question requiring analysis. In addition, you will be given a practice question beforehand to make you more comfortable with the process.
Phone Interview
The phone interview will allow the interviewer to ask more direct, tailored questions and assess your communication skills. They will likely ask about your past experiences, skills that are relevant to the position, your qualifications for the role, and your future career goals. They will also want to know why you are applying for a job at their firm, so be sure to research the company and be prepared to discuss the value you would bring to their team.
Be sure to take the call in a quiet place and have your resume close by. You will want to speak clearly and confidently so the interviewer can understand your responses and leave a good impression.
In-Person Interview
You will be invited to complete an in-person interview if you are a good fit for the firm. This conversation will last 30 to 45 minutes and will be used to assess your personality and better understand your qualifications. In addition, the interviewer will likely ask questions about your related experience, your interests outside of your career, and what made you want to pursue a career in law.
This interview stage is also an excellent time for you to ask questions. Remember, you are also interviewing White & Case to ensure they are a good fit for you. Use this time to ask questions such as what your day-to-day may look like, how you will be evaluated, and the growth potential for the position.
Training Contract Interview
The last interview you may encounter is the training contract interview. This will determine your knowledge of the firm, the industry, current affairs, and your motivation behind applying for a position in law.
Be sure to prepare for this interview well, as it will likely be one of the more difficult stages of the process. In addition, you will want to stay up to date on current events, cases from other firms, and cases that White & Case is currently working on.
White & Case’s Aptitude Tests
Candidates who excel in the interview process will graduate to the assessment portion of the pre-employment process. White & Case gives candidates several aptitude assessments to examine their basic reasoning, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They will use your scores on these assessments to confirm your qualifications and objectively compare you to other applicants. Therefore, it is essential to do well on each of the exams.
- Numerical Reasoning Assessment – The numerical reasoning exam will assess your ability to quickly solve mathematical problems, including charts, graphs, and tables. You will not need an advanced level of mathematics to do well on this exam, but you will need to perform several calculations using fundamental operations and analyze data quickly and accurately. The exam will be multiple-choice, and you will have a time limit to complete the test. Mathematical reasoning is a solid skill to have in any industry. While your position may not be math-heavy, the reasoning skills necessary to do well on this exam will tremendously help during your career at White & Case. If mathematics is a difficult subject for you, take time to prepare for the exam using practice tests and study materials to give you a better idea of what to expect on the exam.
- Abstract Reasoning Assessment – Abstract reasoning is an essential skill when pursuing a law career. You must be able to think on your feet and quickly determine logical and sound solutions to problems. Cases will often involve pieces of information that the legal team will need to analyze and identify how they relate to each other, ultimately building a narrative. Seeing the big picture from the pieces is an excellent skill for anyone seeking a career at White & Case. You will need to take an abstract reasoning exam to test this skill. This multiple-choice test will present figures; you must determine the underlying pattern to identify the missing figure. For example, you may receive a series of related figures and must decide which figure should come next in the sequence based on the underlying pattern. This test will also be timed, so you will need to analyze the given information quickly and determine a solution.
- Verbal Reasoning Assessment – Those in a legal profession must also be able to communicate clearly and effectively. Legal teams are often given mass amounts of documents they must sift through to find the relevant information for their case. They then must analyze the information to build their arguments. Likewise, they must comprehend and respond to the opposition’s arguments. The verbal reasoning test will assess your ability to comprehend written information, interpret meaning, and draw conclusions. The test will present several written arguments you must read, analyze, and draw conclusions from. The questions on this exam may be multiple-choice or true/false, and you will have a time limit.
- Cognitive Ability Test – Lastly, you will need to take a cognitive ability exam to assess your problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, way of thinking, and ability to solve problems independently. These skills will be essential to your success at White & Case. The questions on this exam may be multiple-choice, items that require written responses, or puzzles.
White & Case’s Assessment Centre
The final part of the recruitment process is the Assessment Centre. White & Case will bring together several candidates to complete group and individual tasks, showcase their skills, and demonstrate their fit for the organization during this two-week event.
The following are some of the activities that you can expect to encounter during the assessment day:
- Work Tasks – White & Case will give you tasks to complete that are related to the job you are applying for. For example, you may sit in on a team meeting in the department you are applying for, research various topics related to a current case, or read through case files and give an analysis. The firm wants to ensure that you are capable of completing the work that will be required for the position. This task is your opportunity to show the firm the value you would bring to the team and the company.
- Written Assessment – You will also receive a written assessment. You will be given a specific topic and a time limit to write an essay demonstrating your ability to think critically and present a well-structured argument. You will need to include evidence from several sources and communicate your points clearly to do well in this activity. Be sure to thoroughly research the topic before starting your essay. Though the firm may only ask for the report to be a few pages long, you want to use this time to showcase your research abilities and writing communication skills. The firm wants to know that they can give you a task and that you will run with it and deliver.
- Group Business Simulation – Lastly, you will participate in a group business simulation. This is a group activity designed to simulate a real business case. You will be broken up into small groups of candidates and will compete against other groups to present the best outcome. You will receive several case studies and have a few days to analyze the material with your team to determine the best solution. You will also have to negotiate deals with your competitors to maximize your team’s benefit. The activity will allow you to showcase your teamwork, communication, and negotiation skills. You want to use this time to show the firm that you are a team player who values collaboration and can work well in a diverse group.
How to Prepare for the White & Case Assessment?
White & Case is looking for self-motivated, open-minded, and team-oriented individuals who can provide value to their firm. To show the company that you are the best candidate for the position, you will want to do well on all aspects of the hiring process, including the aptitude assessments. Doing well on these tests is essential to your success because the firm will compare your scores with other candidates to objectively determine who may be a good fit for the firm.
The best way to prepare for these exams is to use online resources such as practice tests to study for the exams and better understand the test and its format. Practice tests will present several sample questions and answers so you will know what to expect on the exam and will allow you to rehearse your timing.
Job seekers who study for the exams using this resource are more confident and prepared going into the exam and therefore receive higher scores than those who did not practice. Therefore, it is essential to give yourself adequate time for preparation, so you have the best chance of succeeding in the recruitment process for White & Case.